
The Tobermory
Chamber of Commerce

The Tobermory & District Chamber of Commerce

As an advocate for our business members, the Chamber is representing member's interests at municipal and regional levels. We act as a resource centre for tourism and new and existing businesses located in Tobermory to Lion's Head.  The Chamber is also  an active representative on several community initiatives.

Our Chamber of Commerce is creating opportunities for members to have a voice in shaping our future.  Through shared resources, networking and events, we are working to create a united community.  

The Chamber of Commerce operates the Tobermory Tourist Information Centre, The Harbour Information Kiosk and the Ferndale Information Centre.  We also collaberate with other associations, tourism offices and Chambers of Commerce to promote the Northern Bruce Peninsula.


Board of Directors

Lindsey GriffithPresident
Griffin SalenPast President
Megan RobinsDirector
Erica LawsonDirector
Ed VanarnhemDirector
Michael BirdVice President
Kent WilkensSecretary/Director
Helen McFarlaneDirector
John FrancisDirector
Carrie KingTreasurer
Brent RobinsDirector
Aman SohrabMunicipality Representative
Darci LombardDirector
Sean SkinkleParks Canada Representative

Pros of Joining the Chamber of Commerce

There are a number of benefits that include:

Benefits of Membership

The Tobermory & District Chamber of Commerce is an association of business and local interest groups dedicated to the economic welfare of Tobermory and Lion's Head area. Our organization uses the money you invest to support your business interests. A membership in the Chamber of Commerce is an investment. You and your business will be in a position to grow and prosper because of the benefits offered through membership.


"Welcome Back Wine and Cheese” offers an opportunity to make new business contacts, exchange information and ideas and promote your business in a relaxed social setting. Workshops and other special events help build relationships which form a foundation for business success. The Chamber attempts to provide networking opportunities for member businesses and throughout the year it sponsors activities to promote social interaction and networking.
Meet other business people and profit by their experience by attending the special events sponsored by the Chamber.

Business Exposure

Spring and Fall business meetings as well as Brochures at the Tobermory Information Centre, Chi-Cheemaun Terminal Building and Chi-Cheemaun Ferry Information Booth. Members are listed on our website at, in the Discover Tobermory brochure produced by the Chamber and is distributed to other Chambers, Information Centres and the public upon request (approx. 50,000/year). Your membership decal tells the public that they can do business with you with confidence.

Cost Saving Group Insurance

You have the opportunity to participate in group health and life insurance packages available for small businesses at rates normally reserved for large firms. Please click here to link to more information on the Chambers Group Insurance Plan.

Government Lobby Power

Through membership in the Tobermory & District Chamber of Commerce, you are also a member of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce and all the benefits it offers. Through membership in the Chamber, you become a member of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce - a recognized voice for business with a record of substantial achievements in influencing legislation at the provincial and federal levels

Discounts for Chamber Members

Preferred rates on credit and debit card processing are available to Chamber Members through:

Purolator Shipping
Hours of operation
Spring and Fall
10am - 05pm
09am - 05pm
Tobermory Chamber of Commerce
7420 Highway 6 | P.O. Box 250 
Tobermory, ON, N0H 2R0 Canada

Phone: (519) 596-2452